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Glitch as Mars rover phones home

"The rover Spirit failed to carry out directions it received on Sunday, its 1800th day on the Martian surface."

Category: Space


Geoengineering: Ocean climate fix remains afloat

"Plans to curb climate change by using plankton to draw carbon dioxide into the world's oceans have been boosted."

Category: Climate Change


Oslo to run buses powered by biomethane from human sewage

"Free, friendly and non-fossil – biomethane from human waste will soon power public transport in the capital city"


Greenwash: Gulf's green claims awash in a desert of deception

"The attempted green makeover by the Gulf states is beyond irony: with spiralling emissions, desert ski slopes and refrigerated beaches, can they be serious?"


The good and bad of satellite imagery

"Way up there – and personal: Scare stories over negative uses of Earth imagery may dominate, but benefits range from disaster relief to zooming in on Aretha's hat "

Category: Space, Communications

Displaying results 1486 to 1490 out of 2977